Sky Walker

Sky Entertainment

Sky boasts a huge library of shows. But with more stuff to watch, people tend to just binge and become couch potatoes. This leads to health issues

Insight: TV fans are never satisfied with what they watch. After they finish an episode or a full season, they want more—entire lores, backstories, answers to their theories, and anything related to their favorite shows.


Walking is one of the easiest but most effective physical activities. What if we gamify it for the fans? We launch SkyWalking, a new Sky app feature that lets you unlock exclusive content the more you walk.As you earn more steps, you get access to more cool stuff, like backstories, spin-off episodes, podcasts, interviews, and Q&As. You can even request specific content once you become the top SkyStepper.

This is student work. Names, characters, brands, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work is designed to showcase the student’s ability to work with real world brands in real world applications. Any resemblance to actual events, brands, campaigns, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This presentation is meant for educational purposes only.