Sex is Essential

Packaging design

Everybody all aware that sex is an essential need, however, many still feel embarrassed when they have to buy condom. Condoms, for many, are as important a daily basic as foods, beverages, and sleeping - since it protects sexual health.


Durex collaborates with well-known brands in various categories relating to daily essential demand (Domino Pizza, Kellogg's (foods), Chobani (beverages), Casper (bed frame)) to launch a series of limited design packaging meant to encourage people to overcome the embarrassing feeling of buying a condom- and make the habit of buying condom a daily habit.

This is student work. Names, characters, brands, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work is designed to showcase the student’s ability to work with real world brands in real world applications. Any resemblance to actual events, brands, campaigns, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This presentation is meant for educational purposes only.